About Zakat

About Zakyat

Zakat – financial, mandatory, under certain conditions, as well as other deductions, made once a year in favor of poor and socially unprotected groups of citizens. The payment of zakat in the Meccan period of the mission of the Prophet was of an advisory nature, in the form of voluntary alms. It became canonically obligatory (fard) already in the Medina period, in the second year according to the Muslim calendar.

Paying alms is a manifestation of culture and civilization with a centuries-old history. However, today the introduction, or rather the return to this source of human mercy and humanism, an understanding of its significance, should occur gradually, step by step. It is important to take into account the mentality, the level of education and spirituality of people, to explain that the best traditions of philanthropy and charity existing in the world began in the Muslim environment for another 14 centuries (!) Back. Zakat – the art of sharing with their neighbors, disadvantaged people their sorrows and aspirations; the realization that all the God-given to us is only a temporary possession, a test for us.

The last and final Scripture says: “Stand up for prayer and pay compulsory charity (zakat)” (see Holy Quran, 2:83); “Those who believe in the hidden things are also afraid of God, he commits a prayer and pays from what We have given him” (Holy Quran, 2: 3); “Take from their property the alms which you [the Prophet] will purify them [it will be the cause of cleansing from stinginess and sins] and multiply [the portion of the sabbat (” sabab “) repaying them, and also their material position at the expense of the Divine grace, which is reduced from the Creator thanks to good deeds, because all this will go first of all for social needs and needs of the most needy]. Pray for them. Verily, your prayer is peace for them. Lord Hearing and Omniscient “(Holy Quran, 9: 103).

On the basis of the above, as well as many other ayahs, where it is said about zakat, it is clear that it is mentioned in the Holy Scripture only in general (mujmal), like a prayer-prayer. The Koran does not stipulate what is paid zakat, what is the amount and amount of zakat sum, what are the conditions for the compulsory payment of it.

“The goodness of those who spend their wealth in the way of God is like a seed from which seven ears grow, each with a hundred seeds. The Almighty doubles for those whom He wishes. The Lord is All-Comprehensive and All-Knowing” Holy Quran, 2:261  

Contact Us

Address: 129090, Moscow,
Vypolzov lane, 7, building 1
Opening hours: 10:00 – 19:00.
In-person appointment:
Mo и We 12:00 – 16:00,
Fr 14:00 – 18:00.
WhatsApp and SMS only
+7 (917) 585-13-43
Phone: +7 (495) 975-91-67
E-mail: info@zakatfund.ru



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