How to participate?

Select one of the projects

Mehrona has a sarcoma

She needs surgery

6 003 ₽
We need to raise: 400 000 ₽

You can donate any amount

Select one of the donation directions:

School for refugees
Children of Yemen
Sadaqa (almsgiving)
For fund programs

Your contact details:


Payment method:

Donation with QR code

Now you can donate quickly and easily!

1. Open the Sberbank Online mobile application

2. In the “Payments”section, select“Payment by QR or barcode”

3. Scan

The same opportunity is available in the Tinkoff Bank application.
All payment steps are identical to those described.

Also, some phones support the ability to scan aQR codedirectly fromthe cameraof your device.

Donate with your phone

Send an SMS with the word “ZAKYAT” with a space and DONATION AMOUNT* (in digits**) to the short number 3434.

You can also send an SMS with the word “REFUGEES” with a space and DONATION AMOUNT* (digits**) to short number 3434.

*Acceptable donation amount is from 10 to 15,000 rubles. Commission per subscriber – 0%.
**If the number is indicated in words or the message contains only text,
the donation amount will automatically be considered 100 rubles.

Offer Agreement Megafon, Round Bank
MTS Offer Agreement
Beeline offer agreement
Offer agreement Tele2
Offer Agreement Yota
Offer agreement Tinkoff Mobile
Payment Security Policy

If difficulties arise with transfers using bank cards, then they are associated with the issuing bank, which blocks payments, since payments come from other countries. We are working to resolve this problem. You can send money through the site or through QIWI terminals. You need to find “Zakat Charitable Foundation”, indicate your phone number (for identification), indicate the amount and write your full name and direction of your donation in the comments.
You can also transfer money through the website PayPal.Me/fondzakat or
Choose amount

Directly to a Zakat fund bank account

 Реквизиты для перевода в рублях
Наименование организацииБлаготворительный фонд «ЗАКЯТ»
ИНН/КПП7702470088 / 770201001
Адрес129090, г. Москва, Выползов пер, дом  7, строение 1
Наименование банкаМосковский банк Сбербанка России ПАО,  г. Москва
Расчетный счет, в рублях 40703810738090000511
Корреспондентский счет30101810400000000225
Генеральный директорАджиев Сулейман Хамзабекович
Телефон+7 (495) 975-91-67
 Requisites for donations in foreign currency
Name of companyFUND ZAKYAT
TIN / KPP 7702470088 / 770201001
Organization address129090, RUSSIA, MOSCOW, VYPOLZOV STR., 7/1
Address of the bankRUSSIA, MOSCOW, VAVILOVA STR., 19
Bank account number40703840338090000075
CEOAdzhiev Suleiman Khamzabekovich
Phone+7 (495) 975-91-67

“The goodness of those who spend their wealth in the way of God is like a seed from which seven ears grow, each with a hundred seeds. The Almighty doubles for those whom He wishes. The Lord is All-Comprehensive and All-Knowing” Holy Quran, 2:261  

Contact Us

Address: 129090, Moscow,
Vypolzov lane, 7, building 1
Opening hours: 10:00 – 19:00.
In-person appointment:
Mo и We 12:00 – 16:00,
Fr 14:00 – 18:00.
WhatsApp and SMS only
+7 (917) 585-13-43
Phone: +7 (495) 975-91-67



Participate in good things with us!